Glen Henderson is the Broker/Owner of Alliance Group Real Estate. He has been in real estate since 2003, and is now in the top 1% of real estate agents in the San Diego area.
Key Points:
1. Real Estate is All About People and Consistency
Success in real estate is incredibly simple, it is not easy, but it is simple. You have to focus on the relationships you are building and you have to be consistent in the small things. That’s it.
If you can build strong relationships with the right people and leverage those relationships, and if you can consistently put your company in plain view of the market by doing the small things with excellence, you will succeed at real estate.
2.Pick once channel of communication
Pick once channel of communication and become a master at it before moving on the to next one. (Direct mail, bench ads, Internet ect.) You have to remember that you are running a business and all great business are great at marketing. But more often then not they are great at one marketing channel which comes from years of experimentation and perfection. Ever notice how some agents only do bench ads while some only advertise on Zillow? It takes time to perfect a marking channel but can be very powerful when you master it.
3. Always be Prepared for Market Fluctuations
All markets are inherently tumultuous, and all markets move in cycles. If you are in real estate, then you need to be prepared to face market fluctuations and have a diversified skill set and portfolio that will allow you to succeed even when the market takes a down turn. By keeping a close eye on trends in both the present and the past you can position yourself to be ahead of the curve. Lots of success is based on timing. It can be your best friend or worst enemy.
4. Family is First
No matter what stage of life you are in, your family always comes first, even if it means that you would end up losing 6 figures of profit so you can be there for your spouse and children when they need you. You will never sit on your death bed wishing you had spent more time working, but you will wish that you had spent more time with the people that you love.
5. Build a Team Around Character
When you are looking to build a team, never focus only on skill set, but always focus on character. You can teach someone a skill, and take anyone from disaster to master with enough repetition and coaching, but you cannot teach people to be the kind of person with the kind of traits and characteristics that you want to work with each day.
Focus on character first, and your team will grow and succeed as a result.